

"We know what works:
quality teachers, more classroom time,
world class standards, real accountability.

The problem is complex; but the steps are simple.  
It starts with teachers becoming the very best;
leaders removing the barriers to change; 
neighbors committed to their school; 
you willing to act."
-credits of Waiting For Superman

I know I'm not the very best....but it's what I wake and pray everyday that I continue to strive towards.  God created me to love His children and gave me a passion to teach them.  Which is the only reason I can think of as to why I cried at the end of a documentary on the education system in the United States.  It's not fair and it does feel like a huge problem that no one knows how to fix.  But maybe, just maybe, if I vow to always strive to be the very best teacher I can be.....maybe I can help affect one hallway, then one school, then one district, then one state, then one nation....

Maybe it will never come to that.  I may never move higher than the four walls of a beautifully decorated classroom.  I will not stop trying, pouring, crying, longing and hoping for my students....they truly deserve nothing less.

For more information about the documentary "Waiting For Superman" or to join their movement, visit http://www.waitingforsuperman.com/action/

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