
A ready room...

Well, it was a whirlwind of a week...

Monday at 9:45 pm I received the phone call offering me the First Grade position I had interviewed for just a few days prior!

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were long days....starting at 6:30 am finishing my room at the Autism Academy until 10 am, then driving a half hour, and beginning to work on my first grade room!!  It was an exhausting week, but a week I would not have traded for the world!!  This is my dream and I am so tickled to be a first grade teacher :-D

I have had my students for two days and have already changed my seating into rows...we just aren't ready for cute little groups yet!  However, I wanted to share some of my classroom pictures! I'm happy with how it looked for the first day...

Welcome to our First Grade room!
Behavior Board
Cubbies and Storage

Small Group / Reading Instruction table

Morning Meeting and Math focus board

Teacher Zone :)  It isn't nearly this neat anymore :(

Closed cubbies with sticker reward charts!

Word Wall (yay for having a Cricut -- thanks Mom & Dad!)

My favorite project so far....our classroom rules/promise :)


...my unexpected dream...

Two weeks ago I had my autism classroom almost completely ready.  Then I got a phone call.  Two days later, I had an interview.

One week ago, tomorrow, I got a phone at 9:45pm.  The phone call that I have dreamed of getting since I started college.  Yes, that phone call.  They had approved me and were offering me a classroom. Permanently.

And I accepted.  Last week my days were long, full, exhausting; they were split between finishing my autism room and starting over from scratch in my new room.

But in three days, I will be standing at the door of my permanent classroom welcoming my first group of First Graders!

Yes, I get to be a First Grade teacher 😊 and I couldn't be more blessed or excited!!

I'll get some photos up soon, and I'll change my blog!